Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How to Survive a Class You HATE

So it's mid February, and right about now you're beginning to really get a feel for how fun or torturous your new classes are. Hopefully all of your classes are rainbows and sunshines and everyone is making 100s on exams, but if you're like me, you have at least one class that is gonna be the ugly step sister of the bunch. Here are some tricks to make it bearable and maybe even FUN!

1.  Get your favorite drink/snack before class
Snagging a java chip frappe before class will definitely help distract from the pain that is differential calculus (oh wait is that just me?) But seriously, taking something you love and start creating that connection between the class you HATE and the thing you LOVE and hopefully the love will start to fade over.

2. Let yourself hate it
Pretending that you love a class won't make you love it, and will ultimately frustrate you. Let yourself hate it. Say "I hate this class, I really do. Now lets see what I can do with it." I always tell myself that all that hate will go to waste if I don't study my butt off and really EARN that good grade.

3. Turn off that phone/computer/tablet
Let me start this by saying I KNOW. I really really know how much you want to play solitaire when you get bored in class or reactivate that old Webkinz account, but if you really make yourself focus, there is a really good chance that you will find something you enjoy in the class.

4. Sit next to a buddy
Sitting next to a friend that you can mutually suffer with and goof around with will help when you're 45 minutes into your personal hell. Whats the saying? Misery loves company.

In all seriousness, I KNOW how hard it is to sit through 90 minutes of hell, but if you push through and focus on that A, it will mean all the more when you get it.